Saturday, May 25, 2019

How to stay motivated

Hey, babes! I have had several emails requesting me to write on how I stay motivated with school, blogging, and just life in general. Well, I'm here to tell you, as much as I'd love to say that I stay motivated every single day, I don't. Some days I just want to stay in bed, my dishes pile up in the sink and I do absolutely nothing. Yeah, this isn't something that I'm proud of but I personally believe everyone needs some days to just do NOTHING. Usually, these days occur on the weekend when I have things that I could be doing but don't necessarily have to get done. I am all for working hard but when Saturday comes along, I like to just have a movie day (hopefully with some ice cream included).

Like I have stated in the past, school is my number one priority and once my school work is taken care of I feel more free to do things like blog and hit the gym! The way I stay motived with school is knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I know that if I work hard now, it will pay off later.

Just like anything, you need to have small goals in place and then a larger goal set for a later date. As you reach these small goals, it will motivate you to reach your main goal. One of the ways I do this is by keeping track of things in my planner. At the beginning of the week, I write down one big thing that I would like to accomplish so that during the week I can work toward that goal. This little trick keeps me motivated throughout the week so I can have those lazy days on the weekend.

Staying organized is the key here, ladies. Write down your tasks so you know what needs to be achieved and then cross that task off your list. Also, I'm not sure if it's just me, but having a cute planner and cute pens just make me want to write things down! I'll link some of my super cute items down below. 

If y'all have any tips or trick on how to stay motivated, please let me know!

Thanks for reading, babes!

XOXO, Demi File, Gold - Threshold™ - image 1 of 4 Ubrands® Marble Dry Erase Board Gold Frame 11"x14" White - image 2 of 4

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Goin' out glam

Happy Thursday everyone! This is one of my favorite looks and it is so quick and easy. Every single time I wear this makeup look, I get asked so many questions about my eyeshadow and lip color. I think the key to this look is a darker eye shadow and a lighter lip. It makes for the perfect combo!

For my shadow, I used Marc Jacobs Fantascene 790 palette (Dark Brown). You can use any deep brown color from any palette to achieve this look! I applied this in my crease and took it upward towards the corner of my brow to get a more smokey brown vibe. I then used one of my favorite products of all time, Glitter and Glow liquid eyeshadow by Stila. I use the shade "Rose Gold Retro", for the perfect shimmer on my lid. I don't apply a base color on my lid because I feel like this product does a lot better when directly applied to your skin. After that, I do my basic eyeliner and mascara and BOOM you're done.

For my lip, I use an NYX lip liner and I fill in my lips with this as well. I finish my lip look with the NYX Butter Gloss in "Eclair".

 This is such an easy way to turn your day makeup into your night makeup. Just a few changes to your everyday look and you have your goin' out glam!

P.S.- Stila is having a huge sale on their products right now!

XOXO, Demi

Image result for NYX butter gloss eclairGlitter & Glow Liquid Eye ShadowMarc Jacobs Beauty Eye-Conic Multi-Finish Eyeshadow PaletteImage result for nyx slide on lip pencil in cheeky

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Ulta Haul

This past weekend I picked up a few things from Ulta! I heard great reviews about these items and I'm excited to share them with you guys. All of these items are affordable but high quality! Also, Ulta has a 20% off of one item coupon on their website now! (Click here to reach their coupon!)  


Tarte Cosmetics Shape Tape Pressed Powder - Medium Sand

 Double Duty Beauty Shape Tape Pressed Powder-$32

I LOVE Tarte products so I wanted to test this out! I got it in the shade "Light neutral". I am very fair skinned and this matches me almost perfectly. Not only is it a great product, but it comes in the cutest compact with a sponge applicator. "Kind is the new pretty" is on the top of the compact and I think that is the best reminder when you do your makeup everyday.

This is such a great every day product. It is super light and makes my skin have a very dewy appearance.  I have used this foundation since high school and love it for working out, or just being able to apply it quickly and get full coverage.  Right now Ulta has all Maybelline skin products on sale for BUY ONE GET ONE HALF OFF! RUNNN! I got two of these!

I got this gloss in the color "Atta Girl". This is an amazing gloss but I was a little disappointed because the applicator brush is super stiff. I think the more I use it, the more flexible it will get. Even though I wasn't happy with the applicator, I still think this product is worth it because the gloss is just that good and it's a great price. I love this color because I can put it over any lipstick and get that amazing glossy glow!

Fair 02 No Filter Concealer for very fair skin with peachy pink undertones  

 No Filter Concealer -$6.50

Y'all, I L.O.V.E. this concealer. Like, there is no going back after you use this and it's only $6.50!! Are you kidding!? I love this product because a little goes a long way. I apply under my eyes, cupids bow, and a little under my cheekbones to get that defining look! You guys need this product, I promise


Image result for revolution baking powder banana 

Revolution Baking Powder-$8 

This is a holy grail product. I got this product in the shade "Banana Light". Anywhere I apply concealer, I set it with this powder. You can go out and buy $40 setting powders but let me tell you, girlll, you're wasting your money! 


As always, you guys can click the title of the product to reach the link! Let me know what you guys think of the products! Happy shopping, babes! 

 XOXO, Demi

Friday, May 17, 2019

Keepin' It Real

Hey babes, welcome back to my blog. Today, I just want to keep it real with you guys. These last few weeks have been, well, CRAZY. Between finals, getting a puppy, trying to keep up with the blog, and most importantly keeping up with my family and friends, I have struggled to do it all. My boyfriend is moving to start a new job this weekend and we have been packing/running a million errands but I just wanted to sit down and take a second to talk to you guys.

I absolutely LOVE blogging and it's my passion. Although this is my passion, school is my number one priority right now. Finals kicked my booottayyy this semester and I put a lot of time and energy into studying and preparing for my tests. With that being said it is now SUMMER (Whoop whoop!)  and although I will be taking summer classes, I'll have way more time to do what I love- blogging!

 Throughout this time away from the blog, I have still been working to build relationships with companies, boutiques, and photographers and I am so excited for you guys to see these collabs coming up within the next 2 weeks! I'm so happy that I can be 100% me on here and represent brands that I love and that I know are great quality.

I also want you guys to know that it is OKAY to take a step back so that you can regroup. Whether you're in high school, college, or a working adult, YOU are in control and if you need to prioritize things in your life, then do it! One of my biggest downfalls is trying to do too much. (Yes, there is such a thing as too much, ladies.) I want to please everyone and try to get as much done as possible. I have learned this past year that YOU are the most important thing in your life. Staying healthy and working on yourself mentally and physically goes a long way. When you take care of yourself, you do better work and the final product is amazing! Always prioritize YOU first and don't let anyone tell you differently.

 Thank you guys for always supporting me even when I have to take a small step back. I'm so excited to share my latest finds with you guys all summer long!

 In the meantime, check out my Pinterest (demileedavenport) for all the latest style inspo, home inspo, and beauty tips.

 XOXO, Demi