Saturday, May 25, 2019

How to stay motivated

Hey, babes! I have had several emails requesting me to write on how I stay motivated with school, blogging, and just life in general. Well, I'm here to tell you, as much as I'd love to say that I stay motivated every single day, I don't. Some days I just want to stay in bed, my dishes pile up in the sink and I do absolutely nothing. Yeah, this isn't something that I'm proud of but I personally believe everyone needs some days to just do NOTHING. Usually, these days occur on the weekend when I have things that I could be doing but don't necessarily have to get done. I am all for working hard but when Saturday comes along, I like to just have a movie day (hopefully with some ice cream included).

Like I have stated in the past, school is my number one priority and once my school work is taken care of I feel more free to do things like blog and hit the gym! The way I stay motived with school is knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I know that if I work hard now, it will pay off later.

Just like anything, you need to have small goals in place and then a larger goal set for a later date. As you reach these small goals, it will motivate you to reach your main goal. One of the ways I do this is by keeping track of things in my planner. At the beginning of the week, I write down one big thing that I would like to accomplish so that during the week I can work toward that goal. This little trick keeps me motivated throughout the week so I can have those lazy days on the weekend.

Staying organized is the key here, ladies. Write down your tasks so you know what needs to be achieved and then cross that task off your list. Also, I'm not sure if it's just me, but having a cute planner and cute pens just make me want to write things down! I'll link some of my super cute items down below. 

If y'all have any tips or trick on how to stay motivated, please let me know!

Thanks for reading, babes!

XOXO, Demi File, Gold - Threshold™ - image 1 of 4 Ubrands® Marble Dry Erase Board Gold Frame 11"x14" White - image 2 of 4

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